Mercaz News

Torah for this Hour | March 28, 2024

Posted on March 28, 2024

The red heifer is perhaps the biggest enigma of the Torah: just as it purifies the unclean, so it defiles the pure. Not to mention the question: How can the water of purification, made from heifer’s ashes along with other ingredients, eliminate impurity? Those engaged in the preparation of the red heifer were the priests […]

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Hostage Negotiations with Hamas Intensify as Calls for Ceasefire Increase

Posted on March 26, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – DISPELLING MYTHS – ACTIONS – STORIES U.S. and international pressure on Israel for a ceasefire intensifies as Israelis soon mark six months since the 10/7 attacks – and six months of relentless suffering for the families of hostages held in captivity. The United Nations Security Council recently adopted a resolution calling […]

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Humanitarian aid as a Hamas weapon: Israel’s point of view

Posted on March 25, 2024

by Rabbi Alan Silverstein, PhD Joe Biden’s State of the Union address focused on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Listening to the president, one might believe that Israel alone has caused this suffering and that Israeli actions only are required as a remedy. “Israel must do its part,” Biden declared. “To the leadership of Israel I […]

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Torah for this Hour | March 21, 2024

Posted on March 21, 2024

These past few years have afforded us the opportunity to read new meanings into ancient words. Before COVID, “plague” was a strange and distant concept. Just last Sukkot, “captivity” and “redemption of captives” were peripheral concepts to us, and suddenly they are a part of our daily lives. With these are echoes of other ancient […]

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Overcoming Adversity: Purim and the Resilience of Jewish Identity

Posted on March 19, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES The ancient Jewish festival of Purim, celebrated this year on March 24, is a testament to resilience, courage and the triumph of good over evil. Purim celebrates the perseverance of Jews against one of the leaders of Persia – now Iran – who plotted to kill […]

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Denialism of October 7 as a Hamas weapon

Posted on March 14, 2024

by Rabbi Alan Silverstein, PhD Webster’s dictionary defines “denialism” as “the practice of denying the existence, truth, or validity of something despite proof or strong evidence that it is real, true, or valid.” Ever since testimony about the Nazi death camps spread, antisemites have employed Holocaust denialism of Nazi guilt. The deniers assert that Jews […]

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Torah for this Hour | March 14, 2024

Posted on March 14, 2024

And Moses was unable to enter the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud rested upon it and the Presence of the Eternal filled the Tabernacle. (Exod 40:39) In fog there is unity: all of us experience the same feeling of uprootedness. The same helplessness. The need to take action of some sort. For over 150 […]

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Silence and Denial: Global Response to Hamas Sex Crimes

Posted on March 12, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – STORIES Women’s rights and achievements were just celebrated on International Women’s Day, while many still refuse to acknowledge the sexual assaults of Israeli girls and women by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. The terrifying acts committed by Hamas are continuing against 19 Israeli female hostages who remain in captivity. There […]

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Torah for this Hour | March 7, 2024

Posted on March 8, 2024

In recent months, three buildings have been dedicated and opened their doors in Jerusalem, buildings that are meaningful far beyond the structures themselves: the new National Library of Israel building, the campus of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in the center of the city, and the covered tennis courts in the Malha neighborhood. […]

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Targeting Israel at Schools Alienates Jewish Students and Strikes Fear

Posted on March 5, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – DISPELLING FALSEHOODS – STORIES See our “Dispelling Falsehoods, Stating Facts” section to help address difficult questions about the conflict. “Jews are always told that we are not allowed to speak up for ourselves. You cannot allow yourself to be pushed out. We are showing resilience and strength. The […]

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