The Focus Project

United in Hate: Olympics, Yemen and the UN

Posted on July 25, 2024

Deadly Yemen Drone, Olympic Death Threats and UN World Court Target Jews BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES | July 23, 2024 Israel’s prime minister landed in the American capital in the wake of President Biden withdrawing his bid for re-election. Just days before, an Iranian drone was launched by the […]

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Global Hate and Violence Surges Against Jews

Posted on July 16, 2024

Normalization of Hate and Violence Against Jews Surging Worldwide BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Raping girls for being Jewish, killing Israeli Olympic athletes and bombing a Jewish community center provide vicious evidence of hate-driven, high-profile attacks around the world against Jews. The 1972 Munich Olympics and the 1994 Buenos Aires […]

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‘Acceptable’ Anti-Jewish Hatred Grows

Posted on July 9, 2024

Anti-Israel Activists Attempt to Hijack American Education System BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Anti-Jewish hatred is becoming so prevalent and accepted in American education that deans at a prestigious American university thought they could joke about it without repercussions. They boldly made light of antisemitism during a discussion about antisemitism. If not […]

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July 4: Celebrating Freedom, Fighting Terror

Posted on July 2, 2024

July 4: Celebrate American Values and Reject Terror, Antisemitism BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – STORIES We celebrate July 4 to honor the core American values of freedom, democracy and equality that have built and shaped our nation. The Jewish community has been an integral part of the American fabric since before the Revolutionary […]

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Violence Against Jews Increases Worldwide

Posted on June 25, 2024

Antisemitic Wildfire: Violence Rapidly Spreads Worldwide BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Increasingly vicious assaults on Jews around the world are forcing Jews to question their place in local communities. Anti-Jewish hatred knows no borders. From the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in France to attacks on synagogues in Russia […]

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Antisemitism in U.S. Reaches Fever Pitch

Posted on June 18, 2024

‘Open Season’ on Jews – Threats, Vandalism, Protests and Attacks BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – DISPELLING MYTHS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred have reached a fever pitch in the U.S. as attacks become increasingly aggressive and openly violent. Hatred and bigotry are moving out of the shadows and into the daylight […]

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Why Israel Fights: Heroic Rescue of Hostages

Posted on June 11, 2024

Israel Rescues Hostages but World Blames Rescuers BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – DISPELLING MYTHS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES For rescuing its own hostages, Israel is now under attack by the United Nations, international leaders and many anti-Israel voices in America. Israeli commandos launched a meticulously planned operation to free four hostages held by […]

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Defeating Evil Carries an Immense Cost

Posted on June 4, 2024

Wars Against Evil are Necessary – from D-Day to 10/7 BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES 80th Anniversary of D-Day: ‘Into the jaws of death’ Allied forces launched Operation Overlord, a daring and pivotal assault on Nazi-occupied France, known as D-Day, which was June 6, 1944. As dawn broke over the Normandy […]

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Israel Denounced for ‘Just’ War to Save Hostages, End Hamas

Posted on May 29, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES The challenges Israel is facing are increasingly complex in Gaza and on the world stage. Hamas use of civilian neighborhoods and tent encampments to harbor their fighters and missile launchers complicates the ongoing mission to rescue hostages and endangers civilians in Rafah. Despite mounting evidence of […]

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Israel Demonized on Campuses and in International Courts

Posted on May 21, 2024

BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his defense minister could be subject to arrest if an international court has its way. Three leaders of the notorious Hamas terrorist organization also have been accused. This equal footing overlooks the fundamental differences between a democratic state defending its citizens […]

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