The very heart of this week’s Torah portion, Ḥayyei Sarah, is the story of finding a bride for our forefather Isaac. It’s quite surprising to see the extent of the Torah’s attention to finding him a wife so close on the heels of the tale of his near-sacrifice (‘akedat Yitzḥak) and in particular so soon […]
Unrelenting Attacks Against Jewish Students Intensify on Campus BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – DISPELLING FALSEHOODS – STORIES Attacks Against Jewish Students Intensify Anti-Israel student encampments made page one headlines nationwide and led network newscasts last spring. Despite a lull in news coverage, hostility and violence against Jewish students continues to stoke fear and […]
Amsterdam 2024: This is What ‘Globalize the Intifada’ Looks Like BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – VOICES – STORIES Israel did not exist when the Holocaust brought death and destruction to Jews across Europe. Israel is now a nation capable of sending planes to Europe to rescue Jews in peril, and it recently did […]
This year, “after the holidays” doesn’t represent a return to normal. As long as our enemies are fighting us and our hostages remain suffocating in Gaza, there is no “return” and no “normal.” Even when we arrive in the promised land (the day after the war), we cannot return to who we were before the […]
Unwavering Alliance: U.S.-Israel Cooperation Benefits Both Nations BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – STORIES We value the feedback of our readers and invite you to please take 15 seconds to answer a few questions about this week’s edition by clicking the image right below the Actions to Consider section. In a time of global […]
“Noah” means rest, comfort. Consolation? .ותמלא הארץ חמס The land was overrun by hamas. Consolation? Does Hamas rest? The Midrash interprets hamas as theft. Theft of what by whom? Theft that justifies annihilation? In Genesis, God gave humans and animals “every plant and tree to eat.” He commanded the first human (“Adam”) on earth “to […]
UN’s Palestinian Agency Promotes Terrorism, Perpetuates Conflict BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – DISPELLING MYTHS – STORIES UN agency employees, doubling as Hamas terrorists, killed and kidnapped Israelis on 10/7 More than 10 percent of UNRWA’s Gaza staff has ties to terrorism Hamas built a data center directly beneath the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza […]
As the news comes at us fast and furious, I take a look at our synagogue community calendar and the schedule of services prepared for last year. Friday evening: hakafot for Simḥat Torah. Shabbat morning: shaḥarit, hakafot, the honors of Ḥatan Torah and Kallat Bereishit. A picture: children dance in a circle at the synagogue. […]
When Israel’s Enemies Lay Down Arms, So Can Israel BACKGROUND – TALKING POINTS – ACTIONS – STORIES Since the horrific Oct.7 massacre that killed thousands and saw hundreds of innocent civilians dragged to Gaza as hostages, Israel remains under constant attack. The world’s only Jewish state is forced to engage with enemies on seven fronts […]
Via the Office of Dr. Yizhar Hess, Vice Chairman, World Zionist Organization As Simchat Torah approaches, many in Jewish communities around the world are grappling with how to celebrate the holiday in the shadow of such immense grief and tragedy. Following the devastating events of October 7th, when so many lives were lost, the question […]