Why Israel Fights: Heroic Rescue of Hostages

Israel Rescues Hostages but World Blames Rescuers


For rescuing its own hostages, Israel is now under attack by the United Nations, international leaders and many anti-Israel voices in America. Israeli commandos launched a meticulously planned operation to free four hostages held by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists in Gaza on June 8. The elite Israeli forces displayed extraordinary bravery as they executed a swift daytime raid, neutralizing terrorists and saving the hostages – Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov. This operation not only demonstrated Israel’s unwavering commitment to protecting its citizens and fighting terrorism but also reinforced Israel’s legacy of resilience and unbreakable spirit in the face of adversity.

Israeli special forces units rescued Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov. (Hostages and Missing Families Forum)

Psychological Warfare: ‘Tonight we will inform you of their fate’

Israeli Noa Argamani captured worldwide attention when the first images of the Oct. 7 attack emerged. The 26-year-old was filmed on the back of a terrorist motorbike, yelling, “Don’t kill me!” with her arms outstretched to her boyfriend who also was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from the Nova music festival. He is still in captivity. Noa feared she would be killed by a public lynch mob awaiting the hostages in Gaza.

In this iconic image of Noa Argamani that went viral, she pleaded, “Don’t kill me!” She was reaching out to her boyfriend who was being walked into Gaza. He is still being held in captivity.

The viral video of her screams and photos of her trauma instantly made Noa a symbol for all of the hostages. Hamas exploited her image in multiple propaganda messages. In January, a frightening intimidation campaign featured a poster with Noa and two male hostages, asking the public, “What do you think we should do with the hostages?” There were three options for the public to choose from, including killing all of them. The poster ended with the ominous message: “Tonight we will inform you of their fate.” The male hostages were already dead.

Only days before her rescue, Hamas released a new propaganda terror video with Noa’s voice, forced to plead: “Save us. Time is running out.”

The other two hostages in the poster, Itay Svirsky and Yossi Sharabi were killed in captivity. Hamas is still holding their bodies as bargaining chips to ransom for imprisoned Palestinian terrorists.

Heartbreaking Reunions: ‘His father died of grief hours before rescue’

Noa’s mother, Liora, is suffering from terminal brain cancer. She had begged for her daughter’s release: “All that’s running through my mind before I part ways with my family forever is the chance to hug my daughter, my only child, one last time.” Liora’s health has greatly deteriorated. Her husband described the reunion: “She barely looked at Noa. There was a kind of response. Liora understood but simply couldn’t express her emotions or say what she had longed to tell Noa when she finally met her.”

Tragically, the father of hostage Almog Meir Jan died hours before his son’s rescue. His sister found him dead from a heart attack in his home when she came to deliver the good news. Dina thinks he died of grief waiting for his son’s return. Family and friends stated that he “lost 44 pounds, his heart could not stand the torment day after day, the grief gnawing at him every day as he was glued to the TV clinging to every piece of information.”

Liora Argamani, mother of recently rescued hostage Noa, has terminal brain cancer and wanted to see her daughter before dying.

Operation Arnon: ‘The diamonds are in our hands’

Palestinians claim that some Israeli special forces soldiers posed as displaced Gazans and Hamas fighters when they entered the central Gaza city of Nuseirat. Israeli troops, aware that the three male  hostages were imprisoned in a civilian home two hundred yards from where Noa was held captive, simultaneously entered both civilian apartment buildings.

The U.S. provided valuable intelligence on the location of the hostages, who were being held in the homes of Palestinian civilians and their families in a densely populated neighborhood. Using civilians to shield terrorist activities is an integral part of Hamas strategy. The daring operation, carried out in broad daylight, posed significant risks to the soldiers and hostages. IDF officers announced via radio to their commanders that “the diamonds are in our hands” once the hostages were secured. Now, Hamas terrorist leaders told their members holding hostages that “if they think Israeli forces are coming, the first thing they should do is shoot the captives.” Warning civilians ahead of time would have alerted the terrorists who could have killed the hostages and prepare to kill the commandos.

Tragically, an officer from the Border Police National Counter-Terrorism Unit, Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, was killed by Hamas gunfire. He commanded one of the rescue teams and is survived by his wife and two young children. The mission was renamed Operation Arnon in his memory, echoing the legacy of Operation Entebbe that was renamed Operation Yoni after its commander was killed helping save 102 hostages in 1976. Ruti Zmora’s eulogy of her son: “In second grade, you dressed up as a paratrooper. You looked up to Yoni for Operation Entebbe.”

Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora of Border Police National Counter-Terrorism Unit was fatally wounded leading one of the hostage rescue teams, later dying at an Israeli hospital. He was married with two young children.

Life in Hamas Captivity: ‘Beyond comprehension’

The hostages initially appeared to be in good health, but new reports indicate they suffered from malnutrition and have symptoms of Stockholm syndrome. The doctor overseeing their recovery stated: “It was a harsh, harsh, experience, with a lot of abuse, almost every day. Every hour, both physical, mental and other types, and that is something that is beyond comprehension.”

Noa appears very pale from a lack of exposure to sunlight and when she was allowed outside she was disguised as an Arab woman. She was rarely allowed to shower, and was exploited as a servant for the family who held her captive. Noa and Shlomi Ziv learned Arabic from watching Al Jazeera broadcasts. The male hostages were forced to read from the Quran and pray daily.

Hostage Guard and Journalist: ‘My house will always be open’

Palestinian journalist and Hamas terrorist Abdallah Aljamal and his family held the three male hostages in their home. Aljamal, his father and wife were killed during the operation. Terrorists who double as reporters are often included in the lists of journalists killed by the IDF. Aljamal was a frequent freelance contributor to The Palestine Chronicle, a registered American 501(c)(3) non-profit. Only five days earlier the site published his story, “My House Will Always be Open.”

Hamas still holds 116 hostages in captivity – including those killed in Hamas captivity or whose bodies have been held since 10/7. Hamas continues to reject a ceasefire offer. The former military leader of U.S. Central Command stated that Hamas maintains significant military and political power in Gaza.

Hamas Math and Lies: ‘Falling for Hamas tactics’

Israeli security forces transporting the hostages back to Israel were fiercely attacked by Palestinian terrorists, enduring gunfire, hand grenades and rocket propelled grenades fired from within Palestinian homes. The IDF stated that less than 100 Palestinians, including terrorists, were killed during the rescue mission, while Hamas reported the number of 274 deaths. Gaza’s Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, supports civilian deaths as “necessary sacrifices.”

Hamas is known to manipulate statistics and deceitfully classify terrorists as civilians, this likely being another example of ‘Hamas math,’ a common propaganda tactic. Recent analyses cast doubt on the Hamas data and suggest that the numbers appear random.

The Palestinian Authority president and Hamas falsely referred to the IDF rescue operation as a “massacre.” IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari: “This was a mission in the heart of a civilian neighborhood, where Hamas had intentionally hidden among homes where there were civilians and armed militants guarding the hostages. The cynical way that Hamas is using the population also to fire at our forces was tragic. And we must act in a way that brings those hostages home alive.”

Anti-Israel protesters march through Washington, DC, on June 8 holding a banner quoting a Hamas call of violence for victory or death trying. Another protester holds a, “Kill hostages now,” sign during NY’s annual Israel Day parade on June 2. 

U.S. Anti-Israel Protesters Surround White House: ‘Kill Zionists’

Thousands of pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah demonstrators rallied outside the White House on the day the hostages were rescued. Six days earlier, a counter-protester at NY’s annual Israel Day parade held a sign, “Kill hostages now.” In the nation’s capital, an American flag was burned and statues were vandalized. Chants included calls for jihad and, “Kill another Zionist now.” American Jews overwhelmingly identify as Zionists.

The American Jewish Committee’s 2024 Survey of American Jewish Opinion confirms the strong connection American Jews have with the Jewish state. Since 10/7, 45% feel more connected to Israel, 78% follow news in Israel more closely and 85% think American support for Israel is important. At the same time, nearly half of American Jews do not feel safe wearing Jewish symbols in public and the war has affected personal or work relationships for two-thirds of Jews. A massive 93% see anti-Jewish hatred as a problem in America.

1.  Holding the rescuers responsible for the actions of terrorists is absurd

We live in an upside-down world: a BBC presenter had the audacity to ask a former IDF spokesperson if the Israeli military should have warned Palestinian civilians before rescuing hostages. Should the American military have warned Pakistani civilians before the Bin Laden raid? The IDF is known for warning Palestinian civilians before launching strikes against terrorists operating and storing weapons in apartment buildings. However, suggesting that Israel should warn the civilians who were holding Israeli hostages captive is ludicrous and would endanger the lives of the hostages and soldiers. Now, Hamas terrorists have shoot-to-kill orders if they suspect a rescue operation is in progress.

2.   Journalists, leaders and charities should be condemning Hamas, not Israel

Many in the news media falsely referred to the rescued hostages as “released” hostages, implying Hamas voluntarily allowed the hostages to go free. This misrepresentation undermines the bravery and precision of the Israeli forces and dangerously distorts the reality of the situation. A CNN guest notably called out the network for this misleading language, highlighting the biased coverage. UN and Palestinian leaders falsely referred to the IDF operation as genocide and a massacre. The framing of the IDF’s courageous rescue as anything less than a daring operation to save lives only serves to bolster Hamas propaganda. Media coverage, leaders and humanitarian agencies should focus their condemnation on Hamas – the true perpetrators of these heinous acts who continue to reject ceasefire offers.

3.    Hamas terrorists are responsible for the death and destruction in Gaza

Hamas deliberately endangers innocent lives by launching attacks from densely populated neighborhoods. They know any Israeli response will likely cause civilian casualties – and they exploit the dead and wounded for propaganda purposes. This strategy not only increases the death toll, but also fuels international outrage against Israel. The manipulation and exploitation of their own civilian population demonstrate their utter disregard for human life, aiming to gain political leverage through the perpetual suffering of their own citizens. Gaza’s Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, supports civilian deaths as “necessary sacrifices.” Iran-backed Hamas must be held accountable as the true source of Gaza’s suffering for there to be any chance of regional peace and stability.

4.  Israelis celebrated freeing the hostages, Palestinians celebrated their capture

Israelis all of the country and Jews worldwide celebrated the return of the hostages. A Tel Aviv lifeguard even announced the successful rescue to beachgoers who responded with applause. In contrast, Palestinians continue to celebrate the Hamas 10/7 massacre. A Palestinian Islamic scholar went so far as to demand that Hamas “attach explosive belts to the hostages and blow them up if the Israelis try to free them.” This chilling request highlights a stark difference in values. This contrast underscores the moral clarity needed to address the conflict and highlights the necessity of international support for Israel’s efforts to protect its citizens and secure peace.

You might hear: Israel massacred hundreds of Palestinians during the hostage rescue.

REALITY: Israeli security forces acted in self-defense against Palestinian terrorists embedded within a city of 90,000. Hamas intentionally locates hostages, rocket launchers and bases inside or next to homes, schools, hospitals and mosques. The worst part is that many journalists, world leaders and humanitarian organizations immediately take Hamas propaganda at face value, amplify its messages and condemn Israeli responses. This included falsely accusing Israel of bombing a hospital at the start of the war when in fact it was an errant Palestinian rocket launched at Israel that struck a parking lot adjacent to the hospital.

Speaking at the UN, Israeli diplomat Reut Shafir Ben Naftali: “Israeli soldiers sacrifice their lives to bring our hostages home, while Hamas intentionally sacrifices Gazan children to prevent us from rescuing our children. Israel regrets any harm to civilians.” Journalists, world leaders and social media influencers should be asking why Hamas held hostages captive in the homes of civilians in dense neighborhoods.

You might hear: Israel’s hostage rescue operation was in Gaza’s Nuseirat ‘refugee camp.’

REALITY: Media outlets referred to the Palestinian city as a refugee camp, invoking false pictures in the minds of their readers of Palestinians housed in tents. However, the reality is that the Nuseirat ‘refugee camp’ is located in a city of 90,000 residents living in homes. Dr. Einat Wilf is one of the prominent advocates of changing the false narrative over ‘refugees’ that is promoted by Palestinian leaders, the United Nations and international charities: “This lie by the UN is at the core of the forever war waged against Jewish sovereignty.”

The Nuseirat ‘refugee camp’ is home to 90,000 Palestinians living in homes in a bustling city.

You might hear: Israel intentionally bombed a United Nations school in Nuseirat.

REALITY: Only two days before the rescue mission, the Israeli Air Force killed 17 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists planning attacks against Israelis at a United Nations school in the same city. The typical group of international organizations and world leaders immediately condemned Israel without checking the facts and accepting the terror group’s anti-Israel narrative. The IDF spokesperson blasted the news media: “Sadly, we saw some media outlets fall for Hamas tactics yet again before checking the facts. The terrorists directed terror attacks from the area of the school while exploiting it as a civilian location and as a shelter.”

Help spread the message of the hostages still in Hamas captivity

Print and share on social media pictures of the hostages. A wall in U.S. Sen. John Fetterman’s Congressional office is still filled with hostage posters. Help raise awareness for their suffering – including of the Americans – still in Hamas captivity. Relatives of the American hostages believe that a majority of Americans are apathetic to the conditions of the hostages.

A wall in U.S. Sen. John Fetterman’s Congressional office is still plastered with hostage posters: “They will stay up until every single person is safely returned home.”

Relatives of American Hostages: ‘10/7 was also an attack on America’

Families of American hostages recently met with U.S. officials in the nation’s capital and were interviewed by The Associated Press. Many of the American hostages are dual citizens. Their relatives are concerned about the apathy among most Americans. Excerpts from their interview:

Jonathan Dekel-Chen’s 35-year-old son Sagui was kidnapped from his kibbutz. He is married with three children: “The only way they are going to emerge alive from these Hamas tunnels is through some sort of negotiated agreement with the devil, which is Hamas. They must decide between perpetual warfare and perpetual suffering of its own people or about some better future.”

Ruby Chen’s 19-year-old son Itay, a dual citizen, was killed defending his army base. His body is being held: “He was taken hostage even though he was killed. Who does that? Savages. Who takes dead people as negotiating chips? I think the majority of the Americans are not aware that on Oct. 7, this was also an attack on the United States.”

American Jews Targeted at Pride Parades: ‘A perversion of pride’

The Gay Pride movement encourages individuals to proudly display their identity, but this year American Jews are fearing discrimination at Pride events. Anti-Israel protesters recently blocked a parade in Philadelphia. CEO of the Bay Area Jewish Community Relations Council Tyler Gregory: “Blocking Pride parades is homophobic, period.”

Signs promoting attacks against Jews, “Globalize the Intifada,” have been seen at multiple rallies. The San Francisco Pride Parade announced a ban on Israeli floats, but welcomed pro-Palestinian groups into their “Resistance Contingent.” The parade organizers reversed their decision after receiving criticism. The pervasive fear gay Jews feel this year also extends to Australia: “It took heroism for gays and lesbians to march openly, now it would take guts to be openly Jewish.”

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, who is gay and an outspoken supporter of Israel: “There are anti-Israel LGBTQ activists who are essentially telling Jews to be in the closet about their Judaism and Zionism. That’s a perversion of pride.” In a separate incident involving Torres, anti-Israel LGBT AIDS activists tore down a flag at NY’s Trailblazer’s Park honoring Torres for his “commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ individuals.” A decision was made to not restore the flag. Torres: “Far-left racism disproportionately targets people of color who refuse to fall in line with their Jew hatred.”

This flag honoring Rep. Ritchie Torres was ripped down in NY because of his Israel advocacy. (Courtesy of Michael Lucas)

Anti-Israel K-12 Lessons Rapidly Increasing: ‘Oct. 7 made me happy’

Some teachers, school districts and students are targeting Jewish students and Israel because of Israel’s response to the heinous Hamas 10/7 attack. High school yearbooks have become the latest battleground. A quote from a 10th grader at a Chicago-area high school was published: “I woke up on Oct.7 and I saw what Palestine did, and I was happy because they’re finally defending themselves.”

The Portland Association of Teachers and Oregon Educators for Palestine recently published Palestine Teaching Resources for Educators. The guide includes lesson plans for children as young as four. They include libelous accusations against Israel, indoctrinate students with maps that erase Israel and encourage students to become activists. The guide also shows support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against the Jewish state.

“K-1 Color by Number has students practice their numbers and colors to color in a map of Palestine using the colors of the Palestinian flag.” – A lesson included in Palestine Teaching Resources for Educators, produced by the Portland Association of Teachers and Oregon Educators for Palestine. Israel, Gaza and the West Bank are presented as a unified Palestinian state. (Teaching While Muslim document screenshot)

North Carolina middle school agreed to make changes following a complaint brought by The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law and an investigation by the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. After a Jewish student wore an Israeli baseball shirt, students persistently harassed him, including: “Get in a gas chamber,” “Dirty Jew” and “Go die Jew.”

Brandeis Center attorney Marci Lerner Miller: “Many people are realizing that K-12 indoctrination is often the basis for the antisemitism we see on college campuses. Many students arrive at their first day already having been taught to hate Israel and Jews.”

Memorial Day for Ethiopian Jews who Perished on their Way to Israel

Israelis recently commemorated the 4,000 Ethiopian Jews who died in their attempt to flee to Israel from civil unrest and religious persecution in Ethiopia. Many embarked on arduous treks as early as the 1960s on foot across desert, often enduring extreme weather, disease and rape. They displayed determination and resilience in seeking refuge and a better life in Israel. Israel airlifted 8,000 Ethiopian Jews in 1984’s Operation Moses in 1984 and another 14,000 in 1991’s Operation Solomon. There are 150,000 Israeli Jews with Ethiopian ancestry.

Israeli Jews of Ethiopian descent commemorate Memorial Day for Ethiopian Jews. (All images: Mark Neyman/Government Press Office)


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This content is developed by The Focus Project in partnership with Mercaz USA. The Focus Project distributes weekly news and talking points on timely issues concerning Israel and the Jewish people, including antisemitism, anti-Zionism and the delegitimization of Israel. It represents a consensus view across a spectrum of major American Jewish organizations. Mercaz USA recognizes and respects the diversity of views on these issues among its readers and the community at large.

The Focus Project develops and distributes news, background, history and weekly talking points on timely issues to inform individuals and organizations about issues affecting the American Jewish community and Israel, and help readers speak with more consistency and clarity. The editions also provide potential responses for addressing incidents of antisemitism and anti-Zionism. With input from a spectrum of major American Jewish organizations, we focus on that which unites us, rising above political and individual agendas.
Recognizing that hatred of Jews comes in many forms and directions, we strive to address all sources as they arise, and educate our growing audience on topics ranging from inter-religious relations to relevant international developments. From week to week, we may focus on issues arising from the political left, university campuses, from the political right and from institutions, government, and corporations. We don’t try to address all issues in each edition. We hope you will find this information useful in your writing and/or speaking. We are always open to your feedback: info@focus-project.org.